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Supporting Changemakers: Spotlight on Our Partner Leaders Who Are Published Authors

Create: New Beginnings by Martha Ackerman and Steph Segel

Martha Ackerman is the co-author of Create: New Beginnings®, a restorative art program for women everywhere. Martha, along with fine artist Steph Segel, originally developed Create: New Beginnings as a program of Prison Fellowship for women who live in prison. Create: New Beginnings is a 10-part series designed to unpack topics such as shame, forgiveness, and self-doubt in a safe environment, using art as the tool to share the Gospel of Jesus and foster discussion with women. Martha is the wife of James Ackerman and the mother of two adult children, Holden and Lily. She is an artist who divides her time between South Carolina and New York City with her husband.

Her experience in fashion and design started when she began working as a Ford model in the heart of the fashion industry in New York City. She developed her own jewelry line from an in-home studio. Her jewelry has been featured in Four Seasons Resorts and many high-end specialty boutiques across America.

Currently, Martha enjoys working in her studio primarily for private clients. She works precisely on each piece one by one and hand-designs every intricate feature. Born and raised in Michigan, Martha holds a degree in business from the University of South Florida.

Climbing Up by Don and Cathy Allsman

Don Allsman is the President of Completion Global, Inc. and served with World Impact for 30 years. As Vice President coordinated dozens of collaborations to empower the urban poor. He led the expansion of The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI) by forming over 250 partnerships in 12 years. He serves on the advisory board of the Correctional Ministries and Chaplains Association and has authored six books used to train leaders in the inner city and prisons: Climbing Up (prisoner re-entry); The Heroic Venture (leadership); Jesus Cropped from the Picture (the Church); Fight the Good Fight of Faith (discipleship); Think Again (transformation); The Onesimus Project (church re-entry ministry). He earned an MBA and a BS in Industrial Engineering before working in aerospace and management consulting.

Becoming Ms. Burton by Susan Burton & Cari Lynn

Susan Burton is the founder of A New Way of Life, a nonprofit organization that provides housing and other support to formerly incarcerated women. She is nationally known as an advocate for restoring basic civil and human rights to those who have served time. Other honors include being named a Starbucks Upstander, a CNN Top 10 Hero, a Soros Justice Fellow, a Women’s Policy Institute Fellow at the California Women’s Foundation, and a Violence Prevention Fellow with the California Wellness Foundation, and she is the author, with Cari Lynn, of “Becoming Ms. Burton” (New Press). She lives in Los Angeles.

Comfortably Numb by Mike Casey

Pastor Mike Casey is the founder and executive director of The Bridge Restoration Ministry, which restores lives by helping men and women recovering from addiction. Since 2010, nearly 100 men and women have graduated from The Bridge Restoration Ministry’s program, which requires a 12-month commitment, living on-site, job training, and life skills development. The Bridge holds its residents to the highest standards of conduct, believing that every action in an individual’s life is based on choice. At the center of The Bridge’s “one-step” recovery program is the choice to accept Jesus Christ as our personal savior. Pastor Mike is the author of Comfortably Numb, the story of his own recovery from addiction to Vicodin, oxycontin, and heroin.

From childhood, Mike knew that he was born for a purpose, to make a difference. But first he had to wrestle many demons, including surviving his childhood with an abusive, addicted father, and coming to a place in his own life where he would believe that he matters.

Today, Pastor Mike is sharing the message that every one of us matters. He is a pastor at Calvary Monterey, where he leads a weekly service called “Regeneration.” The service is open to the community and welcomes people in the throes of addiction and in recovery, as well as friends and family of those seeking restoration. The Regeneration service is broadcast on radio station KKMC to listeners across California’s central coast. Pastor Mike also ministers to men and women in county jails and state prisons. Pastor Mike and his wife, Michele, live in Pacific Grove, California.

Link to purchase: Comfortably Numb

Scars & Stilettos by Harmony Grillo

Victim of exploitation turned UCLA honor student, Harmony's goal is to help women and girls entrenched in sexual exploitation find freedom. As a survivor, Harmony is passionate about assisting women in their journeys of healing and transformation. In 2003, she founded Treasures, a faith-based outreach and support group for women in the sex industry and victims of sex trafficking. Armed with personal experience, a master’s degree in social work, and evidence-based theories, Harmony sheds light on the impact of a pornified culture and the lives of women trapped within it. Her pursuit of justice has led to Congressional recognition and opportunities to train the Department of Justice and FBI in best practices. Her memoir, Scars & Stilettos details her harrowing account of moving from victim to survivor to liberator. She has been featured in Glamour, Elle, The Dr. Drew Show & The Tyra Banks Show.

Link to purchase: Scars & Stilettos.

Conquer Fear by Corrine Kinstler

Corinne is happily married and is a mother and grandmother. She started her journey only knowing grace and then got indoctrinated by the church for 20+ years until a life-changing season caused her to reexamine all the church required. Corinne leads LAST Ministry in Sacramento, CA, and is now enjoying teaching the gospel of grace and the New Covenant. Corinne led a large team in Folsom Prison Women's Facility for ten years where they shared Jesus with the women. The facility closed in February 2023.

Currently, LAST Ministry reaches out to young girls in the Youth

Detention Facility, homeless camps giving showers, and convalescent homes sharing how loved they are by God and what Jesus has done for them. The good news is the only message we have today, and love, not proper theology, is what matters most.

Healing What's Hidden by Evan and Jenny Owens

Evan and Jenny Owens are founders of REBOOT Recovery. As Executive Director, Evan has led the organization since its inception. He has authored several books, including the REBOOT trauma healing curriculum, and is the host of the REBOOT Recovery Show. He is often featured as a keynote and panel presenter at conferences. Evan believes in empowering everyday people to help their friends and neighbors who are struggling in the wake of painful experiences. As such, Evan trains small group leaders, pastors, and everyday people around the world to respond to those who are hurting. His unique blend of humor and inspiration enables people to absorb complex topics without feeling overwhelmed.

Dr. Jenny Owens is an occupational therapist and has previously worked for the Department of Defense treating active-duty soldiers with traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress. Jenny specializes in neurocognitive and psychosocial rehabilitation as well as return to duty evaluation. Jenny has contributed to numerous occupational therapy publications including the mTBI Rehabilitation Toolkit (2015), TBI Interventions to Support Occupational Performance (2014), and Occupational Therapy for Physical Dysfunction, 7th ed. (2013). She is currently involved in research projects measuring the effectiveness of a faith-based, peer-led approach to trauma recovery. A strong believer in the power of relationships, Jenny believes that authentic community is key in helping people heal from painful experiences. Dr. Owens speaks at therapy conferences, university students and research panels. She and Evan have three young children and reside near Nashville, TN.

An Unfair Advantage by Chad Robichaux

Chad is a former Force Recon Marine and DoD Contractor with eight deployments to Afghanistan as part of a Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) Task Force. After overcoming his personal battles with PTSD and nearly becoming a veteran suicide statistic, Chad founded the Mighty Oaks Foundation, a leading non-profit, serving the active duty and military veteran communities with highly successful faith-based combat trauma and resiliency programs. Having spoken to over 250,000 active duty troops and led life-saving programs for over 4,000 active military and veterans at four Mighty Oaks Ranches around the Nation, including Serving USA’s SkyRose Ranch, Chad has become a go-to resource and is considered a subject matter expert on faith-based solutions to PTSD, having advised the former Presidential Administration, Congress, the VA, the DoD, and was appointed to serve as the Chairman of a White House Veterans Coalition.

Chad is also the President and Co-Founder of Save Our Allies, a non-profit whose mission is focused on the evacuation and recovery of Americans, our allies, and vulnerable people trapped in Afghanistan. Save Our Allies began as a personal quest, as he set out to rescue his long-time friend and Afghanistan interpreter, but the mission quickly evolved because of his compassion for people and his servant heart. Since its inception, Save Our Allies has safely evacuated over 17,000 people who were trapped in Afghanistan. A bestselling author, Chad has written seven books related to veteran care and overcoming life’s challenges, donating 150,000+ copies to the troops during his resiliency speaking tours. He is regularly featured on national media, including as a contributor to Fox News, Newsmax, and The Blaze. Chad’s story was notably shared in a short film by I Am Second and the documentary, Never Fight Alone. Currently, a life-story motion picture movie is in production based on Chad’s #1 best-selling book, An Unfair Advantage - Victory in the Midst of Battle.

In addition to Chad’s military service, he has served our nation as a Special Agent with the US Federal Air Marshal Service and the US State Department as a Surveillance Detection Senior Program Manager. Chad is a Medal of Valor recipient for his bravery beyond the call of duty in law enforcement. He has earned an MBA from New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) and is a board-certified pastoral counselor with a focus on PTSD. Chad is married to his wife Kathy of 26 years, and they have a daughter and two sons. Hunter and Hayden are both 3rd generation Marines in the Robichaux family and share Chad’s passion as lifelong martial artists. Chad is also a 4th degree Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt under the legendary Master Carlson Gracie Jr and is a former Professional Mixed Martial Arts Champion having competed at the highest levels of the sport.

From Bars and Scars by Pauline Rogers

For 35 years Pauline Rogers, a criminal and social justice advocate and activist, has provided housing and other direct and supportive services to those reintegrating into society upon release from incarceration. Well before criminal justice was a sexy topic, Pauline spoke up against injustices in the depths of South Mississippi. A recent graduate from Morehouse School of Medicine as a Justice-Involved Care Life Coach, Pauline’s passion for equity continues.

Finding Your Pace by Romney J. Ruder

Romney J. Ruder (EdD, Pepperdine University) is the President of Lifeline Global Ministries. Additionally, he is a Postulate with the Anglican Church of North America and serves as a volunteer chaplain at Hutchinson Correctional Facility. Dr. Ruder also serves as an adjunct professor at Newman University. Romney and his wife Amy have two adult sons and reside in Maize, KS.

Offensive Faith by Jeremy Stalnecker

Jeremy Stalnecker is the CEO of the Mighty Oaks Foundation. The Mighty Oaks Foundation is dedicated to helping America’s military warriors and their families who are suffering from the unseen wounds of combat such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

While growing up in San Jacinto, CA, Jeremy’s only goal in life was to leave home and join the Marine Corps. This dream was finally realized with an active-duty commission in 1999. Following the Infantry Officer Course in Quantico, VA, Jeremy was assigned to the First Battalion, Fifth Marines, First Marine Division as an infantry platoon commander. Serving first as a rifle platoon commander in a helicopter company and then as the platoon commander of the counter-mechanized platoon, Jeremy learned valuable leadership and communication skills that he continues to use today.

In January 2003, Fifth Marines, as a part of the First Marine Division, deployed to Kuwait in support of what would become Operation Iraqi Freedom. As the war began, the First Battalion, Fifth Marines was the infantry battalion used to breech the berm separating Kuwait and Iraq and secured the first major objective of the war. This led to a road march that ended with the battalion occupying Baghdad and seizing the presidential palace in northern Baghdad on the Tigris River. Throughout this movement, Jeremy and the counter-mechanized platoon provided navigation and led security for the battalion.

While in the Marine Corps, God was working in Jeremy’s life to turn his heart toward full-time

ministry. Just one month after returning from Iraq, Jeremy became a staff member of his home church at Coastline Baptist in Oceanside, CA. Here he gained ministry experience that would equip him for the further leading of God. In his role as an Assistant Pastor, he counseled and mentored many couples and individuals while also maintaining other church responsibilities. It was a great privilege for him to be able to serve in this capacity so close to Camp Pendleton since most of the people he worked with were either Marines or the family members of Marines.

In 2008, Jeremy and his family took on a new responsibility when he became the Senior Pastor, just east of San Francisco Bay at Bay Area Baptist Church in Fremont, CA. In this capacity, he continued to minister to families and individuals in a wide range of areas. After serving in the role of senior pastor for nearly seven years, the door leading to a full-time position with the Mighty Oaks Foundation opened. This move brought together both his ministry experience and military background in a way that allowed him to serve and minister to many hurting veterans, service members, and their families. Along with his wife Susanne and their four children, Jeremy works to reach the hurting and provide the healing found in Christ.

Project Hope by Kiwanya Tende

Kiwanya Tende is a speaker, author, teacher, and founder of JerNe Ministries and JerNe Life Coaching and Biblical Counseling. She has a degree in Psychology/Christian Counseling from Liberty University, is a Certified Master Life Coach (MLC), and a Board-Certified Christian Counselor. She is currently studying Christian Ministry & Leadership: with a Counseling Ministry Concentration at City Vision University and TUMI Houston Christian Leadership Studies Certificate Program.

Prison Ministry Training by Gregory E. Von Tobel

Greg Von Tobel was a stockbroker for eleven years, from 1978 through 1989, for various firms including E.F. Hutton & Co. and Shearson Lehman Brothers. In 1984, God called Greg to volunteer in prison ministry. Greg launched Prisoners for Christ Outreach Ministries (PFC) five years later, on August 4, 1989. On May 14, 1990, God closed one chapter of Greg’s life and opened a whole new chapter by giving up his career as a stockbroker and going into full-time prison ministry. Since 1989, PFC has been dedicated to taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ into jails, prisons, and juvenile institutions, not only in Washington State but around the world.

PFC has field offices in nineteen countries: Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, D.R. Congo, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, the Philippines, Russia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Togo, and Uganda. PFC has over 1,500 volunteers worldwide who conduct more than 500 church services and Bible studies per month, averaging almost seventeen services per day (pre-COVID numbers.) PFC’s National Bible Study Correspondence School has over 2,300 inmates on its student body roster. Also, PFC’s national inmate newspaper, Yard Out, is sent to over 1,300 detention facilities nationally. Greg has been married to Rhonda since 1978. They have four children and five grandchildren.

Exposed by Kate Wedell

Kate is the Founder of CherishedLA. A survivor of Human Trafficking, Kate spent a decade in the commercial sex industry after being sold by someone she trusted. Kate has now found freedom and healing. She started CherishedLA to support other survivors who were like herself and needed to find a way out. Kate has spent the last 10 years as a voice in the anti-trafficking movement. She is compelled to help the voiceless find their voice.

She created CherishedLA to offer all the things she needed to get out - a safe non-judgmental environment giving women a secure place to live for 2 years while learning job skills in their social enterprise. This facilitates the healing they need after the trauma a life of exploitation brings. Kate has completed Cert 1 and Cert 2, the Externship and Recovery Week of Narrative Focused Trauma Care through the Allender Center at the Seattle School of Theology and Psychology in Seattle, receiving 2 certificates in Narrative Focused Trauma Care coaching. She leads story workshops with the

residents and is passionate about staying on the healing journey, for herself and the sake of others. She is passionate about counseling those with trauma and helping them name the truth about their story and find their freedom. Kate continues her training in NFTC through workshops and training with the Allender Center and The Art of Living counseling center.


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