A young woman stood courageously at Scarlet Road’s drop-in center door this spring. Over a series of weeks, she began to entrust us with her story.
Since she was 11 years old, June had been subjected to violent sex trafficking. As an adult, she escaped her traffickers, but became a victim of domestic violence. Entering the Aftercare program, June’s first priority was safety for herself and her 7-year-old daughter. Through a local partnership, Scarlet Road was able to connect June with safe, stable housing at no cost, and much needed household furniture.

June is taking the initiative for each next step: pursuing her education, requesting classes in understanding and managing her finances, and making plans to keep herself and her daughter safe. At her new dining room table, June is thrilled to start a brand new routine of sitting down to “family dinner time” each evening with her daughter. Together, they’re beginning a new season of connectedness and growth.