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Ministry Story: Orange County Rescue Mission: A Turning Point

Luke is proud to have turned his life around from addiction to ministry

Luke's Story: From a Rock Bottom Addiction and Prison to a Turning Point, Ministry and Life With Christ

Luke joined the Marines out of high school and deployed to Iraq for seven months. When he returned home, he felt distraught and reached for alcohol, quickly leading to addiction to opiates. Marriage and the birth of two daughters helped him get clean for three years, but

pain pills prescribed after a shoulder injury sent him right back into his addiction. This time, he started using meth and heroin. Luke hit rock bottom, living on the streets of Santa Ana, leading to incarceration. He went to a detox center after his release from jail, and although his past detox attempts had never stuck, he prayed and asked God to take his addiction away this time.

"It was a turning point in my life," he says. "It was the first moment I realized that no matter what I've done, where I've been, or where I'm going, I'll be okay. God's got me."

A Ministry and an Answered Prayer

Luke surrendered his life to God and prayed that He would provide the next step for him. Soon after, Luke reached out to Orange County Rescue Mission and moved into Tustin

Veterans Outpost. He was overwhelmed by the beautiful accommodations, welcoming environment, and services designed to meet the unique needs of veterans. For Luke, the

community dinners, mornings spent together in Bible study, and support of the Outpost team all worked cohesively to provide the accountability and care he needed to restore his

hope in lasting life change.

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This article is part of Serving USA's February 2023 newsletter. Each month we publish stories that feature our amazing ministry partners. Be sure to subscribe to get the latest updates on what our ministry partners are doing.


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